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by Samuel Path


如何将束缚转化为职业和生活中的机遇 (How to turn constraints into opportunities in your career and life)

I’ve had a topic on my mind over the previous days that I can’t shake off. So I knew I had to write an article about it.

在过去的几天中,我一直在想一个无法摆脱的话题。 所以我知道我必须写一篇有关它的文章。

The idea is simple: for most of the external constraints on my studies and career, I chose to see the bright side and make the most of them, turning them into opportunities. It’s easy to feel stuck and spend our days complaining about our unlucky state. But it’s almost always possible to turn our seemingly sour lemons into tasty lemon cakes.

这个想法很简单:对于我的学习和职业的大多数外部限制,我选择了看好的一面,并充分利用了它们,将它们转化为机会。 容易陷入困境,花很多时间抱怨我们的不幸状态。 但是几乎总是可以将我们看似酸的柠檬变成美味的柠檬蛋糕。

The best way for me to show you what I mean is to share four examples from my life, in chronological order.


1.时间的缺乏导致重点和生产率的提高 (1. Lack of time led to an increase in focus and productivity)

I got married during the summer of my fourth year of university, where I was studying computer science. My wife was a med school student and was working long and hard hours. For our wedding, we wanted to invite the people who mattered most to us and throw a big and memorable party.

我在大学四年级的暑假里结婚,当时我正在学习计算机科学。 我的妻子是一名医学院学生,并且工作很长时间。 对于我们的婚礼,我们想邀请对我们最重要的人们举行一场大型难忘的聚会。

Since my wife was too busy, we decided I would organize all the practical aspects of the wedding. For those of you who’ve gone through this, you know this can get pretty heavy. Wedding planning started to take most of my free time, so much so that I struggled to find time to study and work on projects for my degree.

由于我妻子太忙了,我们决定我将组织婚礼的所有实际工作。 对于那些经历过此过程的人,您知道这可能会变得很沉重。 婚礼筹划开始占用我大部分的空闲时间,以至于我很难找到时间来学习和从事学位课程。

This forced me to take a hard look at what was essential in my studies, what was superfluous, and what could be optimized. I decided to skip most classes where I felt that the teachers didn’t add substantial value over simply studying the manual. And I started to focus on only the essential takeaways for a given project. My goal was not to be valedictorian. It was simply to pass without worry.

这迫使我认真研究了我的学习中必不可少的部分,多余的部分以及可以优化的部分。 我决定跳过大多数课程,因为我觉得老师们比单纯学习手册并没有增加实质性价值。 我开始只关注给定项目的基本要点。 我的目标不是成为演说家。 只是通过而不必担心。

This is when I discovered the Pareto principle, also called the 80/20 law. It states that in most areas, 20% of the causes leads to 80% of the outcomes. So once my goals were clearly stated, I started to focus on the minimum that needed to be done to attain my goals.

这是我发现帕累托原理(也称为80/20法则)的时候。 它指出,在大多数地区,20%的原因导致80%的结果。 因此,一旦明确说明了我的目标,我便开始专注于达到目标所需的最低限度的工作。

Feeling time pressure forced me to focus and learn many productivity hacks, which have followed me through the years.


Oh, and by the way, the wedding was a blast and I passed the year without much hassle. I even got better grades than a few friends who had way more time than I had but who were not forced to focus.

哦,顺便说一句,婚礼是一场爆炸,我顺利度过了这一年。 我什至比几个朋友有更好的成绩,这些朋友比我有更多的时间,但没有被迫集中精力。

2.行动不便使我加入了一家杰出的公司 (2. Lack of mobility led me to join an outstanding company)

Upon graduation, I joined the IT services company Atos as a software consultant. As with most , they could send me to work at their client’s locations. These could be anywhere in the region, with commute time going as far as two hours one-way.

毕业后,我加入了IT服务公司Atos,担任软件顾问。 与大多数 ,他们可以派我到他们的客户所在地工作。 这些可能在该地区的任何地方,通勤时间单程长达两个小时。

I started working on a few crappy Java projects for large government-owned companies where nobody cared about the projects. And nobody around me at Atos seemed to care about writing good software. You know, as long as the apathetic client pays…

我开始为大型的国有公司开发一些糟糕的Java项目,而没人关心这些项目。 在Atos周围我周围的人似乎都不关心编写好的软件。 你知道,只要冷漠的客户付钱……

I felt stuck. All my graduation enthusiasm started to fade away. Was this what writing software was all about? What if I studied to become a baker instead, at least people would care about my bread…?

我感觉卡住了。 我所有的毕业热情开始消失。 这是什么写作软件吗? 如果我学习成为一名面包师怎么办,至少人们会在乎我的面包……?

And then baby #1 arrived. Since my wife was still in her medical studies program working long hours, it meant that I would be the one preparing our girl in the morning for day-care. I would also be the one picking her up in the evening to then getting everything ready before mummy came home. But with potential two hour commute times, this would be impossible!

然后1号婴儿赶到了。 由于我的妻子仍在她的医学研究计划中工作很长时间,这意味着我将成为早晨准备我们女孩做日托的人。 我也将是晚上接她的那个人,然后在妈咪回家之前准备好一切。 但是,由于可能有两个小时的通勤时间,所以这是不可能的!

This forced me to look for other opportunities, at companies that didn’t send their employees two hours away with little notice. And this led me to find a great job at a company called ESKER, which is an outstanding employer (literally outstanding, boy was I lucky!).

这迫使我去寻找其他机会,那些没有在不加通知的情况下将员工送去两小时的公司。 这使我在一家名为ESKER的公司中找到了一份出色的工作,这家公司是一位出色的雇主(从字面上讲是杰出的,我很幸运!)。

I would not have looked for a better job had I not been forced to by external circumstances. And this has been one of the best decisions in my career so far.

如果我不受外界环境的强迫,我不会找更好的工作。 到目前为止,这是我职业生涯中最好的决定之一。

3.缺乏专职工作的能力使我成为一名开发人员 (3. Lack of ability to work full-time led me to become a developer)

When baby #2 arrived, with my wife starting her medical residency/internship (where she would work even crazier hours!), we realized that we would not be able to both work full-time.


So I decided to work part-time to be able to handle most of the family logistics. At the time, I was working in a but was . Still, I felt like I didn’t have the time to study in order to prepare for a career transition.

因此,我决定兼职工作,以处理大部分家庭后勤事务。 当时,我担任但 。 不过,我仍然觉得我没有时间去学习以准备职业过渡。

The great thing is that a few months into my switch to part-time, I became increasingly efficient at handling the day-to-day affairs. I started to find a few hours each week to get back into code. That’s when I realized that I loved it and that I wanted to go back to software development.

很棒的事情是,在我转为兼职后的几个月里,我在处理日常事务方面变得越来越有效率。 我开始每周发现几个小时来重新使用代码。 从那时起,我意识到自己喜欢它,并且想回到软件开发领域。

I decided to dedicate 10h a week to learn web development with (I mostly worked with Java, C/C++ and Python before that, but never really touched anything web-related). A few months later, I passed the tests to become a software developer at my company.

我决定每周花10个小时来学习 Web开发(在此之前,我主要使用Java,C / C ++和Python,但从未真正接触过任何与Web相关的东西)。 几个月后,我通过了测试,成为了我公司的软件开发人员。

Becoming a developer has been the most fulfilling career move I’ve made so far. I can truly say that I love this job and the possibilities it offers.

迄今为止,成为一名开发人员是最令人满意的职业举措。 我可以说我很喜欢这项工作及其所提供的可能性。

And this would not have been possible without the family constraints that forced me in the first place to go part-time!


4.缺乏现场工作能力使我成为一名远程自由职业者 (4. Lack of ability to work on-site led me to become a remote freelancer)

Then baby #3 arrived, and my wife still a medical resident/intern. Since my eldest daughter needed to be taken care of during lunch breaks, it became increasingly difficult for me to work in an office with traditional work hours (like 9 AM to 6 PM).

然后3号婴儿到达了,我的妻子仍然是一名住院医师/实习生。 由于我的大女儿在午休时间需要照顾,所以我在具有传统工作时间(如上午9点至下午6点)的办公室工作变得越来越困难。

I didn’t think it was possible for me to find a remote gig with flexible hours with my current level at the time. So I told my company that I would take a parental leave for two years until my wife finished her residency/internship.

我认为我无法以当时的当前水平灵活地安排远程演出。 所以我告诉我的公司,我将休两年育儿假,直到妻子完成居留/实习为止。

And then the magic happened: they asked me to consider creating my own company so I would be able to work for them from home as a contractor. I could then just bill only the days I worked.

然后魔术发生了:他们让我考虑创建自己的公司,这样我就可以作为承包商在家中为他们工作。 然后,我可以只对我工作的日子开票。

I accepted, and this has again been one of the best decisions in my career. I now work between 15h and 25h per week, depending on my client’s needs and my availability. During school vacations, I don’t have to ask for vacations. I simply tell them I won’t be available as a contractor. And .

我接受了,这再次成为我职业生涯中最好的决定之一。 我现在每周工作15到25个小时,具体取决于客户的需求和可用性。 在学校放假期间,我不必要求放假。 我只是简单地告诉他们,我将无法担任承包商。 而且 。


I’m delighted to be able to work as a freelance, remote employee with flexible hours, doing things I truly enjoy and find fulfilling (like writing JavaScript to meet real-world business needs. I truly mean it).


But this would not have been possible if I hadn’t learned to be productive and focused as a student, so I could work without distraction from home and without supervision.


And it would not have been possible if I hadn’t joined this outstanding company with such outside the box thinking.


And it would not have been possible if I hadn’t been able to learn web development with the time I found while working part time.


And it would not have been possible if I hadn’t decided to take a parental leave to take care of my kids…


You get the point. The biggest opportunities in my career have come when I was trying to make the most of external constraints without fighting against them or complaining about them.

你明白了。 当我试图充分利用外部限制而不与之抗争或抱怨时,最大的机会就来到了。

So the next time you feel constrained by your life and career, don’t curse the sour lemons. Look directly at them and tell them straight: I’m going to turn you into the best lemon cake in history!

因此,下次您受到生活和职业的束缚时,请不要诅咒酸柠檬。 直接看他们,然后直截了当地告诉他们:我将把您变成历史上最好的柠檬蛋糕!

PS. If you don’t like lemon cake, try lemonade instead ?

PS。 如果您不喜欢柠檬蛋糕,可以尝试柠檬水吗?

Originally published at on February 9, 2018.


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